A credit card will let you pay for your purchases over time. When you use your credit card, you are effectively borrowing money from the credit card company until you pay it back at the end of the month. A credit card is a financial tool with a pre-loaded amount that allows the cardholder to make purchases and pay for them later. We will allow you to pay off the balance completely and interest-free for up to few days (Check our terms and condition) from the date of payment. To avoid fines, the cardholder can pay the minimum amount owed (usually 5% to 10% of the total amount owed). The balance, however, will be carried forward to the next month, and the credit card company's interest rate will be charged.
5X rewards on Top 2 spend categories. Points are credited instantly and never expire. Just swipe right to redeem. No more rounding off, get even fractional points.
Control all aspects of your co-branded credit card from the powerful OneCard app - transaction limit, domestic/international use, online/offline use, contactless payments and much more.
co-branded credit card that is exclusive, and exquisitely crafted with metal, because you deserve only the best. Why settle for plastic cards anymore?
Get started using a completely digital on-boarding process, and activate your OneCard in less than 5 minutes.
No Joining Fees.No Annual Fees.No Rewards Redemption Fees.
India's best metal credit card. Built with full-stack tech. Backed by the principles of simplicity, transparency, and giving back control to the user.
We are re-imagining credit & payments from First Principles, and are looking for professionals who share that same vision. If you want to be at the cutting edge of fintech in India.
We are re-imagining credit & payments from First Principles, and are looking for professionals who share that same vision. If you want to be at the cutting edge of fintech in India.
Buy what you want and make the payments through kitzone prepaid card.
You can earn points when using kitzone prepaid card at merchants outlets and on E-commerce Shopping Portal as well as ATM cash withdrawl
On-us transactions are typically faster and less expensive than transactions that involve external networks, such as wire transfers or payments to accounts at other banks.
Off-us transactions typically involve additional processing steps, such as routing through payment networks (e.g., Visa, Mastercard, or ACH), which can lead to:
In contrast, on-us transactions occur entirely within the same bank, making them generally faster and less expensive.
using their Aadhaar number and biometric authentication (fingerprint or iris scan).
AEPS aims to increase financial accessibility and inclusion, especially in rural and underserved areas, by leveraging the widespread adoption of Aadhaar. It provides a convenient, secure, and efficient way to make transactions, reducing reliance on physical cards or accounts.